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Classicism in the Arts


Classicism in the arts generally refers to a high regard for a classical period, particularly classical antiquity in the Western tradition. It emphasizes balance, proportion, harmony, clarity, and idealized forms.

Characteristics of Classicism

Key characteristics of Classicism include:

  • Emphasis on form and structure: Classical art often features geometric shapes, symmetry, and clear lines.
  • Balance and harmony: Elements within a work are carefully arranged to create a sense of equilibrium and unity.
  • Proportion and symmetry: Classical art often adheres to strict proportions and symmetrical arrangements, creating a sense of order and harmony.
  • Idealized forms: Figures in Classical art are often idealized, with perfect or nearly perfect proportions and features.
  • Clarity and simplicity: Classical art avoids excessive decoration and aims for simplicity and clarity in its forms.
